الكتاب المقدس

Bible en berbère – باللغة القبلية

Ananie | Je suis un converti

Conversion testimonies in English

Ex Muslim answers the question, « Why I became Catholic »…


Jacob Fareed Imam is the president of New Polity (a think tank promoting…

Jacob Imam

Charbel Raish shares How almost became a Muslim during his teenage years…

Charbel Raish

Muslims by the millions are converting to Christianity. This has never happened…

Dinesh D’Souza

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus…

Nabeel Qureshi

Born and raised in the Muslim Faith, Mehdi practiced his religion and lived the…


Ahmed Abukar was born into a Muslim family but one day his Mom …

Ahmed Abukar

Testimony of a Muslim woman who converted from Islam to Christianity

Muslim woman Converted

In the mid-1980s, Dr. Hormoz Shariat and his wife prayed, « Lord, use us to…

Dr. Hormoz Shariat

We believe in what was revealed to us, and what was revealed to you…


Daniel is Kurdish for northern Iraq. Raised Muslim, he completed college in the…

Daniel Ali

Nasser al’Qahtani || Former Jihadist Follow Chris…

Nasser al’Qahtani

My name is Shafiu Ibrahim. A 34-year-old man. I come from a Muslim family…

Shafiu Ibrahim